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Extra Space Storage – Avenue 42

Extra Space Storage - Avenue 42 in Indio, California

Client Name

Johnson Development Associates


Indio, California

Completion Date

February 2024


4.08 acres | 86,000 sf

This Extra Space Storage location in Indio, California, is a one-story 86,000 sf facility on a 4.08-acre lot. It provides 777 storage units and 22 spaces of covered RV storage.

Galloway’s civil team also developed a water quality management plan and hydrology report. Based on this report, they designed an underground retention system to retain all post-development stormwater runoff within the property. The system is designed to drain any storm event within 72 hours, including a 100-year storm event of 24-hour duration. Due to the flatness of the site, additional storm drain inlets were required.

Galloway’s design services included architecture, civil engineering, MEP engineering, structural engineering services, and site development.


Gary Rhodes

Gary Rhodes

Regional Architectural Team Manager

303.770.8884 Contact

Terra Mortensen

Site Development Project Manager & Fresno Regional Manager
Sr. Associate

559.721.5030 Contact
