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Alpha Ramp at Fort Carson, CO

Alpha Ramp at Fort Carson, CO - Colorado Enterprise Fund

Client Name

Tribal One


Fort Carson, CO

Project Cost


This $14.6M project involved replacing airfield pavement at Fort Carson using a new PCC pavement mix design according to USACE Airfield Pavement Specifications. Services included survey, as-built drawings, GIS, demolition of existing structures, placing airfield pavement, and new lighting installation. Redesigning the access routes and phasing the construction saved the government $330,000 on aircraft tow routes. Construction phasing allowed the ramp to open six months early. Quality control and testing were performed according to USACE requirements.


Rob Giles

Director of Federal Project Development

719.900.7220 Contact

Lyle Bissegger

Survey Team Manager

719.900.7220 Contact
