Matukat Construction
Sedalia, Colorado
350 acres
This Colorado resort is an all-inclusive, 350-acre dude ranch located in Sedalia, CO. Galloway is providing multidisciplinary services for a large-scale, full-site phased update over the next eight to ten years. Services include architectural design, civil engineering, survey, site development, MEP engineering, structural engineering, landscape architecture, and interior design.
Galloway’s survey team has completed as-built HDS scanning of the lodge, and survey of 113 acres of the property utilizing drones and standard survey equipment. Our civil engineering team is providing comprehensive services for the entire site. Grading and erosion control are required for the construction of the proposed bunkhouses and leadership cabin as well as the placement of a bridge to span across Goose Creek. This will provide an expanded parking lot as well as a secondary access point designed for staff and fire truck access. A culvert analysis was performed for any crossing along the proposed roadway and the team collaborated with Jefferson County to obtain a waiver for the roadway width. A hydraulic analysis was conducted on the impact of the bridge spanning Goose Creek to ensure the design could withstand both 10-year and 100-year storm events with additional freeboard.
Our architecture team is collaborating with the resort manager and staff to create a vision of what they want the ranch to look like in ten years. The vision involves remodeling recommendations for existing buildings, as well as new buildings for expansion purposes.
Projects to be completed in the first couple years include:
Future projects in the next eight to ten years: