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Galloway Architecture, Civil Engineering, Surveying Blog

Public Comment Period – Amendments to the 2019 Denver Building and Fire Code

September 2nd, 2020

Amendments to the 2019 Denver Building and Fire CodeLocal building codes have important project impact, so we wanted to make our client partners aware of the public comment period that is currently open for the amended City and County of Denver 2019 Building and Fire Code.

The City and County of Denver recently amended this code to include mandates for electric vehicle charging for new construction and level 3 alterations, effective July 31st, 2020. Since then, the City has received input from the public regarding code errors, mistakes or misprints, and/or unclear or conflicting language to the 2019 Denver Building and Fire Code, Denver’s Green Buildings Ordinance, and Denver’s Green Buildings Ordinance Rules and Regulations.

The City is now proposing new amendments that are available for download and comment through September 13, 2020.  Additionally, a public comment meeting will be held on September 22 from 4:30-6:30 p.m. for the Denver Building and Fire Code. During the meeting, the full list of proposed code changes will be reviewed, and staff will address comments from the public, including those submitted via the online form.

If you have concerns about how your project might be impacted, or to have your voice heard, please go online here https://www.denvergov.org/content/denvergov/en/denver-development-services/help-me-find-/building-codes-and-policies.html and submit your comments.

Proposed amendments to Denver’s Green Buildings Ordinance and Green Buildings Ordinance Rules and Regulations coming soon

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